Meta's New App Store a Good Sign for VR Indies

Frenzy VR, developed by Innoverse Games and published by Clique Games, exemplifies the huge opportunities for VR titles that start on Meta's AppLab and then hit the Meta Store. This early implementation highlights the exciting changes on the horizon for VR developers, as Meta prepares for a more integrated future. While many questions about the shift remain, this case study showcases the positive signs for independent VR developers.

Understanding AppLab

AppLab was initially created as a platform for developers to share their VR content without going through the rigorous approval process required for the official Meta Store. It allowed for easier distribution and testing of new VR experiences, enabling developers to gather user feedback and make iterative improvements before aiming for a spot on the official store. Many games, such as the currently successful "I Am Cat," launched in early access through AppLab, demonstrating the platform's value in nurturing emerging titles.

The Meta Announcement

In mid-April 2024, Meta announced a significant change: the gradual merging of AppLab titles into the main Meta Store, including the introduction of an "AppLab" tab on the main store interface. By the end of 2024, AppLab will be shut down entirely, transitioning all content to the main Meta Store. This move positions Meta much closer to similar game platforms such as Steam, where it is much easier for users to discover new games and for developers to reach broader audiences. Although the transition is still ongoing, early success stories like Frenzy VR indicate that this shift could offer even greater opportunities for VR titles.

Frenzy VR’s Journey

Frenzy VR, a dynamic and action-packed VR game, launched on the App Lab platform and quickly built a sizeable player base. Upon the Meta Store integration, Frenzy VR experienced an even more significant growth, showcasing how a well-crafted title could succeed even without being initially featured on the official store.

Key Success Metrics

From January 1, 2024, to June 7, 2024, Frenzy VR exhibited notable performance improvements:

  • Active Users: Increased steadily, reflecting enhanced user engagement.

  • Retention Rates: Maintained a healthy curve, indicating sustained interest among players.

  • Sales Revenue: Showed consistent growth, particularly after the AppLab integration into the Meta Store.

Data Analysis and Visual Insights

The following graph provides a visual representation of Frenzy VR's active users and sales revenue from January 1, 2024, to June 7, 2024, highlighting the impact of the AppLab merger announcement in mid-April 2024.

Units Sold: +13.77%

Revenue: +15.06%

  • Active Users: There is a clear upward trend in daily active users post-April, coinciding with the AppLab integration into the Meta Store.

  • Sales Revenue: Sales revenue also shows a significant increase post-April, reflecting the enhanced visibility and user engagement from being part of the main Meta Store.

Marketing Attribution and Conversion Metrics

The role of organic exposure on the Meta Quest Store has been paramount in driving Frenzy VR’s success post-April announcement. The data since April shows that almost all marketing attribution is direct, underscoring the priceless value of being featured prominently on the Meta Store.

Key Insights on Marketing Attribution

  • Organic Exposure: The majority of new users and sales can be directly attributed to organic exposure on the Meta Quest Store. This level of visibility is invaluable, as it brings in users who are actively searching for new and exciting VR content.

  • Conversion Funnel: The transition from curiosity to purchase is streamlined on the Meta Store. Users discovering Frenzy VR organically are more likely to convert into paying customers due to the credibility and prominence of being on the main store.

Strategies for Developers and Publishers

To maximize visibility and success on the Meta Store, developers and publishers must adopt tactical, original, and clever strategies:

  • Optimized Storefronts: Ensuring that game listings are optimized with high-quality visuals, engaging descriptions, and positive user reviews can enhance visibility and conversion rates.

  • Community Engagement: Building a strong Discord community, constantly posting on social media, and running events that encourage sharing.

  • Innovative Marketing: Utilizing influencer partnerships, creating viral content, and running targeted ad campaigns to boost visibility and attract a wider audience.

Revitalizing Older and Career AppLab Titles: A New Dawn for VR Games

Now that App Lab is closing down, it signals a significant shift from Meta's long standing philosophy of, "Curated Experiences" to a new age of VR titles being, "User Curated." What happens when the number of players and download counts determine what's at the top of the store?

The AppLab to Meta Store Merger: A Game Changer

The merger of AppLab into the Meta Store is a pivotal development that offers unprecedented opportunities for VR games, regardless of their age or initial performance. Here are the two biggest reasons why older and career AppLab titles still have a chance at success:

  1. Enhanced Visibility and Discoverability:

    • Increased Traffic: With the consolidation, games originally on AppLab are now part of the main Meta Store, benefiting from the higher traffic and visibility of a unified platform. This transition means that even older titles can attract new users who might not have discovered them on AppLab.

    • Credibility Boost: Being featured on the Meta Store adds a layer of credibility. Users are more likely to trust and try games that are part of the official store, leading to higher download rates and user engagement.

  2. Organic Exposure:

    • Algorithmic Advantages: The Meta Store's recommendation algorithms can highlight older titles to new users based on their preferences and behaviors, providing organic exposure that was harder to achieve on AppLab.

    • User Reviews and Ratings: Positive user reviews and ratings on the Meta Store can significantly enhance a game's visibility and attractiveness to potential new players.

Fresh Marketing Strategies: The Case of Frenzy VR

While the AppLab to Meta Store merger provides a foundational boost, the importance of a fresh, strategic marketing approach cannot be overstated. The success story of Frenzy VR, revitalized through a strategic TikTok marketing campaign by Clique Games, illustrates how innovative marketing can breathe new life into older VR titles.

The Power of Social Media: Frenzy VR's TikTok Campaign

Frenzy VR, initially released in October 2021, was experiencing declining momentum due to the game's age and the team's ability to show off the same features again and again. Clique Games identified TikTok as the ideal platform to rejuvenate Frenzy VR's presence and engage with a broader audience. Our strategy involved creating new "series" that ran weekly on the channel which focused on user submitted comments, increasing the visual components of the TikTok content (such as bumping saturation), and chasing trends that were relevant outside of VR.The results were remarkable, demonstrating the potential of a well-executed marketing strategy.

Surmised Strategies and Their Impact:

  1. Identifying TikTok as the Best Platform:

    • Existing Following: Frenzy VR already had a substantial following on TikTok, making it easier to leverage the platform's viral potential.

    • Viral-Friendly Content: The dynamic and action-packed nature of Frenzy VR made it ideal for short, captivating TikTok videos that could easily go viral.

  2. Content Strategy Development and Execution:

    • Themes and Trends: Utilizing HDR effects, strong hooks, and controversial series to generate buzz and views.

    • Consistency: Posting daily and implementing weekly and monthly series helped establish a familiar content style. This consistency increased recognizability among the audience, making them more likely to engage with the content and share it within their networks. These series cultivated a sense of anticipation and community, encouraging regular interaction and fostering a loyal fan base.

  3. Data-Driven Development:

    • Audience Analysis: Deep analytics helped fine-tune content and identify successful patterns.

Results Analysis:

  • Revenue Growth: 48% increase in monthly revenue from October 2023 to May 2024.

  • Downloads Growth: 37% increase in downloads.

  • Active Users Growth: 31% increase in active users.

  • Engagement Metrics: Significant increases in likes (45%), shares (42%), and comments (39%).

Key Lessons Learned and Strategic Insights

The success of Frenzy VR through innovative marketing strategies on TikTok offers several valuable insights for older and career AppLab titles looking to make a comeback:

  1. Consistency is Key: Regular, engaging content creates a sense of anticipation and maintains user interest.

  2. Leverage Trends Wisely: Staying ahead of trends ensures maximum visibility and engagement.

  3. Utilize Data-Driven Insights: Deep analytics help refine marketing strategies and identify what works best.

  4. Focus on Visual Quality: High-quality visual effects enhance user experience and drive higher engagement rates.


Frenzy VR’s success post-AppLab integration is a powerful testament to the immense value of strategic visibility on the Meta Store. The significant increases in units sold and revenue proves the transformative impact of organic exposure and innovative marketing tactics. This case study reveals that for developers and publishers, adopting a tactical, original, and clever approach to the Meta Store can unlock substantial growth and success.

This dual strategy—merging AppLab visibility with cutting-edge marketing—sets a new benchmark for older and career AppLab titles. It demonstrates that with the right blend of platform integration and innovative promotion, even long-standing games can find renewed success and captivate new audiences.

Frenzy VR's transformation from a fading title to a rejuvenated sensation highlights the boundless possibilities for VR titles willing to embrace change and innovation. Hopefully this case study can offer a blueprint for future VR titles aiming to thrive in the ever-evolving VR industry, showing that success lies at the sweet spot of strategic visibility and creative marketing.


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