Revitalizing Frenzy VR through TikTok Marketing

In an age where social media platforms dominate user engagement, harnessing the power of viral marketing is essential for the success of gaming titles. One platform that has proven exceptionally effective for game marketing is TikTok, known for its short, engaging content and viral potential. For Frenzy VR, a once-popular VR game developed by Innoverse Games, TikTok became the key to its revival.

This blog explores how we (Clique Games) transformed Frenzy VR from a fading game into a rejuvenated hit through a strategic, data-driven TikTok marketing campaign. By leveraging TikTok’s strengths and engaging both influencers and users, we boosted the game's downloads, revenue, and active users while reigniting its cult following.

About Frenzy VR and the Initial Challenges

Frenzy VR launched in October 2021 to initial success, attracting a loyal fan base with its dynamic, action-packed gameplay. However, by October 2023, the game began losing momentum. With no fresh marketing strategies in place and competition growing, it became clear that the game needed a revitalization plan to reignite interest.

(Click image to see full case study.)


Why TikTok?

TikTok became the obvious choice for the Frenzy VR marketing campaign. The platform is known for its ability to amplify short, viral-friendly content—a perfect fit for the visually striking and fast-paced gameplay of VR titles like Frenzy VR. We identified several factors that made TikTok an ideal platform for the game’s resurgence:

  • Existing TikTok Following: Despite the game's decline, Frenzy VR had already built a considerable following on TikTok.

  • Viral-Friendly Content: The game’s action-packed sequences and dynamic gameplay made it perfect for captivating, short-form video content.

  • High Engagement Rates: TikTok videos generate significant user interaction, with an algorithm that amplifies engaging content to wider audiences.

  • Influencer and User-Generated Content (UGC): The VR gaming community thrives on UGC and influencer collaborations, both of which are vital for a TikTok strategy.

Challenges Before Signing with Clique Games

Before partnering with Clique Games in October 2023, Frenzy VR faced several challenges:

  • Declining User Engagement: The game’s initial momentum had faded, with fewer users actively playing and engaging.

  • Stale Marketing Strategy: The game’s communications and marketing had not evolved since launch, limiting its ability to attract new players or re-engage its fanbase.

  • Aging Content: Without regular updates or new features, the game struggled to maintain relevance in a competitive market.

We stepped in to solve these problems by revamping the game’s marketing and content strategy, starting with TikTok.

Developing a TikTok Content Strategy

We crafted a detailed TikTok content strategy that took advantage of the platform’s viral potential. The strategy included:

  • Visual Quality: Utilizing TikTok's HDR effect to enhance the visual appeal of gameplay videos, making them stand out in users’ feeds.

  • Engaging Hooks: Videos were designed to capture attention within the first few seconds, leveraging strong hooks that immediately grabbed viewers' interest.

  • Controversial Series: We introduced a series that played on in-game controversies, sparking debates and generating buzz.

  • Consistent Posting: Daily posting became a core part of the strategy, ensuring Frenzy VR was consistently in front of its audience.

This focused content strategy allowed Frenzy VR to make the most of TikTok’s algorithm, which favors content that sparks high engagement in the form of likes, comments, and shares.

Data-Driven Insights and Influencer Collaborations

Another key part of the TikTok strategy was analyzing audience behavior and using data-driven insights to refine content. We implemented a two-fold approach:

  • Audience Analysis: By tracking the performance of each TikTok post, we identified what types of content resonated most with the game’s audience. This allowed them to fine-tune future videos and optimize engagement.

  • Influencer Partnerships: We connected with TikTok influencers and gaming content creators to further expand the game’s reach. Influencers played a critical role in amplifying Frenzy VR’s visibility, creating UGC that engaged their followers and encouraged them to try the game.

Weekly Campaigns and Content Series

We also introduced themed weekly campaigns to sustain user interest over time. These campaigns included:

  • Short, Snappy Videos: A shift in video style to shorter, visually enhanced clips designed to retain viewers' attention.

  • Campaign Series: Weekly series featuring different aspects of the game, such as gameplay challenges, new maps, and character spotlights, kept content fresh and varied.

Results: The Impact of TikTok on Frenzy VR

The TikTok strategy produced remarkable results for Frenzy VR in terms of both engagement and revenue. By May 2024, seven months after signing with Clique Games, Frenzy VR experienced significant growth across several key metrics:

  • Revenue: Increased by 48% since the start of the campaign in October 2023.

  • Downloads: Saw a 37% increase in downloads over the same period.

  • Active Users: Monthly active users grew by 31%.

  • Video Views and Engagement: Total video views on TikTok rose by 54%, with 45% more likes, 42% more shares, and 39% more comments.

These figures underscore the power of a targeted TikTok strategy in breathing new life into a VR title.

Engagement Metrics: Before and After

Before partnering with Clique Games, Frenzy VR struggled with stagnant user engagement and declining visibility. By May 2024, the game had made a full recovery thanks to the TikTok campaign. Here’s a breakdown of the engagement metrics:

  • Likes: Increased by 45%.

  • Shares: Rose by 42%, amplifying the reach of each post.

  • Comments: Gained 39% more comments, driving higher engagement and discussions among the community.

Key Achievements and Lessons Learned

Frenzy VR’s resurgence offers several key lessons for other games seeking to leverage social media for growth:

  • Consistency is Key: Posting daily on TikTok helped Frenzy VR build momentum and stay top-of-mind for its audience.

  • Data-Driven Marketing: Regular analysis of audience behavior allowed us to refine the content strategy continuously, improving results over time.

  • Leveraging Trends: Capitalizing on viral trends and user-generated content ensured that Frenzy VR stayed relevant and engaging.

  • Focus on Visual Quality: Enhancing the visual appeal of TikTok videos helped attract new viewers and keep them engaged.

The Power of TikTok for Gaming

This case study highlights the immense potential TikTok holds for game marketing. As a platform known for its viral content and high user engagement, TikTok provided Frenzy VR with the perfect avenue to reach a new, younger audience while re-engaging its existing fan base. The results speak for themselves: 48% revenue growth and 37% more downloads in just seven months.

For developers and publishers looking to revitalize their games, TikTok represents a powerful tool to amplify visibility, engage users, and drive growth.

Conclusion: A Blueprint for Success

The Frenzy VR case study is a testament to the importance of creative, agile marketing strategies in today’s digital landscape. By embracing the viral nature of TikTok, leveraging influencer partnerships, and relying on data-driven insights, we were able to rejuvenate a fading game and turn it into a thriving success once again.

For game developers and marketers alike, this case offers valuable lessons in the importance of consistency, the power of user-generated content, and the need to stay ahead of digital trends.


  1. Why was TikTok chosen as the primary platform for Frenzy VR’s revival? TikTok’s algorithm and viral nature, combined with its high engagement rates, made it the perfect platform for Frenzy VR’s visually dynamic and action-packed content.

  2. How did Clique Games’ TikTok strategy impact Frenzy VR’s success? We implemented a data-driven content strategy that included daily posts, influencer partnerships, and high-quality visual effects, leading to significant increases in downloads, revenue, and user engagement.

  3. What are the key lessons learned from this case study? Consistency in posting, leveraging user-generated content, and utilizing data-driven insights were key to Frenzy VR’s success. Additionally, focusing on visual quality helped enhance user experience.

  4. How much did Frenzy VR grow during the campaign? Frenzy VR experienced a 48% increase in revenue, a 37% increase in downloads, and a 31% rise in active users.

  5. What role did influencers play in Frenzy VR’s revival? Influencers helped amplify the game’s reach by sharing engaging content with their followers, leading to greater visibility and new players joining the game.


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