How a Sequel Drives Sales to Its Prequel—The Frenzy VR and Frenzy Extinction Story

Frenzy VR, launched in late 2021, initially captured a niche audience with its unique, physics-based combat mechanics and immersive survival gameplay. However, by late 2022, the game’s sales and user engagement began to plateau. Despite some growth through initiatives like marketing campaigns and the AppLab to Meta Store merger, which provided a boost in visibility, it wasn’t until mid-2024 that we saw the most significant surge in Frenzy VR’s success. This resurgence was largely driven by the pre-launch marketing for Frenzy Extinction, the highly anticipated sequel, which reinvigorated both sales and active users for Frenzy VR.

In this study, we are going to dive into the statistics of Frenzy VR and the launch of its sequel, Frenzy Extinction, and share some strategies you can use if you have an existing game franchise to maximize the sales of both games. This case study will highlight how Frenzy Extinction revived its predecessor and how building a franchise—rather than isolated titles—offers sustainable, long-term engagement and growth.

Part 1: Data-Driven Analysis—The Surge in Frenzy VR

The Build-Up: Key Events in Frenzy VR's Revitalization

Frenzy VR's journey from a title with declining engagement to a rejuvenated game began with a series of strategic events leading into 2024. After releasing Frenzy the Ridden in November 2022 to test early-stage sequel concepts, the real breakthrough came in October 2023, when Frenzy VR signed with Clique Games. This partnership marked the beginning of a sustained marketing push.

  • TikTok Strategy: Starting in October 2023, the development team initiated a new TikTok marketing campaign, aimed at re-engaging players and expanding Frenzy VR’s visibility. The short-form video platform allowed us to reach a broader, younger audience through viral content. TikTok challenges, gameplay snippets, and community engagement pieces became central to reigniting interest in Frenzy VR, which set the stage for even greater success when we began promoting Frenzy Extinction in mid-2024.

By the time July 2024 arrived, Frenzy VR was ready to ride the wave of pre-launch momentum built around the sequel.

Sales and Active Users: The August-September Surge

The pre-launch marketing campaign for Frenzy Extinction officially kicked off on July 25, 2024, with playtesting for the sequel starting a week earlier. These events immediately catalyzed growth in Frenzy VR, as fans of the series began revisiting the original game to prepare for the new installment.

From August 1, 2024, until September 12, 2024, Frenzy VR saw significant gains in both sales and daily active users:

  • Sales Increase: Sales rose by 56% during the August-September window compared to the January-July period. This surge was fueled by the strategic marketing campaigns, social media engagement, and Frenzy Extinction’s looming release date.

  • User Growth: Daily active users saw a 104% increase over the same period. The number of players revisiting Frenzy VR doubled as marketing for Frenzy Extinction gained momentum, highlighting the interconnected nature of the two games.

These percentages reflect a clear divide between the stable, slow-moving activity seen earlier in the year and the sharp increase starting in August. The turning point coincided with the launch of digital ads for Frenzy Extinction on August 19, 2024, which not only increased wishlists for the sequel but also pushed more players toward Frenzy VR.

The Impact of Frenzy Extinction's Conversion Funnel

Starting on August 1, 2024, wishlist functionality was enabled for Frenzy Extinction. The marketing team's efforts to convert this interest into sales for both games can be tracked through the growing wishlist conversion rates. The entire Frenzy VR player base was a key target audience for Frenzy Extinction’s marketing.

Funnel Conversion Data (August-September 2024):

Analysis: Frenzy Extinction’s click-to-conversion rate more than doubled over the course of six weeks, rising by 138%, while the wishlist-to-conversion rate also increased substantially, growing from 14.4% to 48.2% by the time Frenzy Extinction officially launched on September 12, 2024. These numbers reflect the growing anticipation for the sequel, which also led to a direct increase in Frenzy VR’s sales and user activity as players revisited the prequel.

The App Lab Merger’s Role in Frenzy VR’s Resurgence

Another pivotal event contributing to Frenzy VR’s resurgence was the AppLab to Meta Store merger on August 5, 2024. Prior to the merger, Frenzy VR had been available only on the more niche App Lab platform, which offered limited visibility. The merger provided an instant visibility boost for Frenzy VR, just as marketing for Frenzy Extinction reached its peak.

  • Platform Visibility: Within two weeks of the merger, Frenzy VR reached the Top 13 on Meta’s App Store, significantly improving its discoverability among VR players. The improved platform positioning played a critical role in supporting the increase in Frenzy VR sales, which rose by 30% during the immediate post-merger period.

This boost in visibility, coupled with the ongoing marketing push for Frenzy Extinction, created a synergistic effect that benefited both titles.

Monthly Performance Breakdown: January-September 2024

Tracking the monthly sales and user engagement patterns from January to August 2024 reveals the turning point in Frenzy VR's performance starting in August 2024. Below is a summary of the percentage growth in sales and active users month by month.

The monthly breakdown clearly shows that the steady growth seen in the early months of the year shifted dramatically in August, driven by a combination of the AppLab merger, the start of pre-launch marketing on July 25, and the launch of digital ads on August 19. Sales and user activity doubled by the end of August, demonstrating the effectiveness of the synchronized marketing strategy.

Part 2: How Frenzy Extinction Drove Sales to Frenzy VR

The resurgence of Frenzy VR wasn’t just a happy accident following the launch of Frenzy Extinction—it was the result of a combination of industry trends and targeted publisher strategies that maximized visibility, engagement, and sales. While the data clearly shows the what—the significant increases in sales and users—the more valuable question for developers is: how did this happen, and how can others replicate this success?

This section breaks down the key factors that contributed to the success of both Frenzy VR and Frenzy Extinction and offers actionable insights for other developers looking to achieve similar results.

External Industry Factors: Opportunities to Leverage

The VR gaming industry is evolving rapidly, with several trends in 2024 creating ideal conditions for the success of franchise titles like Frenzy VR and Frenzy Extinction. Developers can take advantage of these factors to ensure that both their prequel and sequel thrive in this environment.

1. The AppLab to Meta Store Merger: Increased Platform Visibility

As discussed, one of the most impactful moments for Frenzy VR was the AppLab to Meta Store merger on August 5, 2024. This merger allowed many indie VR titles to gain instant visibility on Meta’s primary platform, significantly expanding their audience reach.

Actionable Insights for Developers:

  • Update Your Key Art: Ensure that any transition from a secondary platform to a primary marketplace is accompanied by fresh, high-quality key art. Since Frenzy VR was boosted by the Meta Store listing, refreshing the game’s visuals to reflect new updates helped it stand out to new users.

  • Optimize Store Listings: Make use of the increased exposure by ensuring that store pages are optimized with updated trailers, visuals, and clear messaging about upcoming sequels. In the case of Frenzy VR, highlighting the link between the prequel and the upcoming sequel helped entice new players.

2. The Rise of TikTok and Short-Form Video Marketing

While TikTok had already proven to be a strong marketing tool for indie and VR games, 2024 saw the platform’s influence continue to grow in driving awareness and conversions for niche gaming communities. By starting their TikTok strategy in October 2023, Clique Games leveraged this trend, creating a steady buildup of excitement for Frenzy Extinction that extended to Frenzy VR.

Actionable Insights for Developers:

  • Create Symbiotic Content: Use TikTok not just to promote a sequel but to rekindle interest in the prequel. Video content that directly compares features, mechanics, or storylines between the prequel and sequel can drive new users to both games.

  • Highlight Game Mechanics: Frenzy VR’s physics-based combat and survival mechanics were a major draw for the community. Highlighting these in TikTok content kept users engaged with the original game while they anticipated similar features in the sequel.

3. Expanded Use of Discord Communities for Game Launches

Discord has become a critical platform for building gaming communities, especially for indie VR titles. By September 2024, Frenzy Extinction’s Discord had grown by 70%, reaching almost 10,000 members. This growth was driven by an increased focus on engaging existing Frenzy VR players while building anticipation for Frenzy Extinction.

Actionable Insights for Developers:

  • Symbiotic Discord Servers: Encourage interaction between the prequel and sequel’s communities by integrating both servers or creating cross-community events. Frenzy VR’s Discord was used to promote playtests and beta access for Frenzy Extinction, creating a feedback loop where prequel players became engaged with the sequel.

  • Exclusive Playtest Access: Frenzy VR players were rewarded with exclusive beta access for Frenzy Extinction, which motivated them to remain engaged with both games. Use this strategy to reward loyal players and drive engagement for both titles.

Internal Publisher Strategies: How Clique Games Maximized Success

Clique Games employed a series of targeted strategies that leveraged both the existing Frenzy VR community and the anticipation for Frenzy Extinction. These strategies were designed not only to increase visibility but also to create a lasting relationship between the two titles, ensuring long-term engagement and sales.

1. Bundling the Prequel and Sequel for Maximum Impact

One of the most effective tactics for driving sales to Frenzy VR was bundling both games. By offering discounted or exclusive bundle pricing, players who were planning on purchasing Frenzy Extinction at launch were incentivized to also pick up Frenzy VR.

Actionable Insights for Developers:

  • Create Launch Bundles: Offer a bundle at launch that includes both the prequel and sequel, providing a clear value proposition for new players. For Frenzy VR, this was particularly effective because players who had not yet experienced the original could do so alongside the new release.

  • Cross-Promotion within Game Stores: On Meta or Steam, make sure that both the prequel and sequel prominently cross-promote each other, linking directly to each game from their respective store pages.

2. New Trailers and Key Art for Frenzy VR

As the Frenzy Extinction launch approached, Clique Games took the opportunity to refresh Frenzy VR’s marketing assets. Updating the game’s trailer and key art to reflect new features and the upcoming sequel reinvigorated interest in the original game, driving pre-launch sales.

Frenzy VR's updated Key Art

Actionable Insights for Developers:

  • Refresh Marketing Assets: A few months before the sequel launch, update the prequel’s store pages with new trailers, gameplay highlights, and key art that connects the two games. This can give the prequel a fresh, updated appearance and encourage players to revisit it.

  • Leverage In-Game Announcements: Use in-game announcements, patch notes, or updates to promote the sequel within the prequel, encouraging existing players to wishlist or buy the upcoming title.

3. Strategic Use of Digital Ads

The digital ad campaign for Frenzy Extinction, which began on August 19, 2024, was a key driver of wishlist growth and engagement. By creating ads that targeted existing Frenzy VR players, Clique Games effectively created a bridge between the two games, ensuring that players who were excited about the sequel also returned to the prequel.

Actionable Insights for Developers:

  • Target Existing Players with Ads: Retarget ads to reach the prequel’s existing player base, reminding them of what they loved about the original game while promoting the sequel. This strategy worked well for Frenzy VR, as it reminded players of the game’s core mechanics, pushing them to replay it while awaiting the sequel.

  • Focus on Features and Continuity: Ads that emphasize continuity between the two games—such as shared mechanics, worlds, or storylines—will encourage players to engage with both titles.

Practical Tips for Developers Preparing for a Sequel

To successfully drive sales and engagement to a prequel before a sequel launch, developers and publishers should adopt a strategic, multifaceted approach. Here’s a summary of key strategies based on the success of Frenzy VR and Frenzy Extinction:

  1. Update Marketing Assets: Refresh trailers, key art, and store pages for the prequel well ahead of the sequel’s release to drive renewed interest.

  2. Create Cross-Promotion Opportunities: Bundle the prequel and sequel at launch, use in-game announcements to promote the sequel, and optimize both store pages for cross-traffic.

  3. Leverage Social Media and Discord: Build excitement through platforms like TikTok, and create symbiotic relationships between the prequel and sequel communities on Discord.

  4. Targeted Digital Ads: Use digital ads to target players of the prequel, encouraging them to return to the game and build anticipation for the sequel.

  5. Exclusive Prequel Perks: Offer exclusive rewards, such as beta access or in-game items, to prequel players to incentivize engagement with both games.

Tips from The Clique Team

During the pre-launch of Frenzy Extinction, several marketing and engagement strategies helped drive the resurgence in Frenzy VR’s sales and user base. Here's what worked for us:

JL (CMO, Clique Games):
Your most engaged fans are your best marketers.

“Finding a qualified VR audience can be time-consuming and costly, but we already had the most engaged users in our Frenzy VR Discord community, following our updates and eager to play. Many users who loved Frenzy VR were reminded of how much they enjoyed it through our sequel promotions. Just having the word “Frenzy” pop up sparked renewed interest, and they started playing it again, sharing it with friends, and creating organic hype around the franchise. The key takeaway here is to start where your audience already is. Even if it’s a smaller group, they’re highly engaged and ready to hear about your next project. A small spark with the right audience can create massive hype.”

Brandon (CEO, Clique Games):
Content for one = content for all.

“When creating short-form or flat-screen content, we made sure that all engagement from our social channels routed back to not only the product the viewer engaged with but also related content—such as the sequel. We treat all our sales channels as one unified entity. If a viewer liked Frenzy VR, we promoted Frenzy Extinction in tandem. Don’t assume your fans only like one game; leverage interest in one to fuel interest in the other.”

Waylon (COO, Clique Games):
Leverage exclusivity to build anticipation.

“We focused heavily on promoting the beta version of Frenzy Extinction. To drive engagement, we invited players to join our Discord community for free access to the beta, promoted through short-form video content and influencer collaborations. By the time August 1st arrived, many of these community members were converted into wishlisters for Frenzy Extinction—and reintroduced to Frenzy VR in the process.”

Conclusion: The Data-Driven Power of a Franchise

The transformation of Frenzy VR between January-July and August-September 2024 proves the power of a well-executed franchise strategy. Frenzy Extinction’s pre-launch marketing not only created excitement for the sequel but also brought players back to the original game. Key events such as the AppLab to Meta Store merger and the TikTok marketing campaign also contributed to this resurgence, showcasing the importance of platform visibility and social media engagement in driving user activity and sales.

Frenzy VR's success is not just a testament to the popularity of VR gaming but also a clear example of the value of franchise-building. Instead of standing as isolated titles, Frenzy VR and Frenzy Extinction created a connected universe that allowed the success of one to boost the other. This synergy resulted in 56% sales growth and a 104% increase in daily active users, providing a blueprint for developers aiming to build sustainable, interconnected game ecosystems.


Frenzy Extinction is Now Live on Meta and Steam—Gear Up and Survive the Apocalypse!